Sunday, 4/17/2011 12:00 am The Abbey of the Lemur: Behaving Ourselves 12:25 am Northwoods Cooking Show #15 1:00 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 1:20 am ACE 2/15/11 2:20 am Choking Hazard 2:25 am Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 2:40 am Banjos Not Bombs 4:10 am BAH 4:15 am Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 5:15 am Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 6:15 am Plethora of Poetry 6:45 am Telecom Board Subcommittee: March 14, 2011 8:00 am Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 8:15 am BAH 8:20 am Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 9:20 am ACE 1.31.11 10:25 am Irish Coffee 10:30 am The Masked Elephant: 3/31/11 11:00 am Krishnamurti: Responsibility, Respectability & Self-Knowing 12:00 pm Victory Church Service 12:30 pm Plethora of Poetry 1:00 pm Omni Vision: Oil Spill/Volcano 1:50 pm Choking Hazard 1:55 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 2:00 pm Words of Peace: Make the Connection 2:30 pm Kids World: March 4th, 2011 3:00 pm Unleavened Bread Bible Study: Panoramic Bible Studies #1002 4:00 pm Explorations in Faiths 4:30 pm St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 5:30 pm Key to the Kingdom: A Day at the Pool 5:58 pm ACE at FHS 2/28/11 7:00 pm Tomorrow's World: Will Prophecy Fail? 7:30 pm Banjos Not Bombs 9:00 pm Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 10:00 pm Consumer Science News & Notes 10:20 pm The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 11:10 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 11:15 pm Irish Coffee 11:20 pm BAH 11:25 pm Choking Hazard 11:30 pm Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 11:55 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) Monday, 4/18/2011 12:00 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 12:50 am ACE 1.31.11 1:55 am ACE at FHS 2/28/11 3:00 am St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 4:00 am ACE 2/15/11 5:00 am St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 6:00 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 6:20 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 6:25 am Consumer Science News & Notes 6:44 am ACE at FHS 2/28/11 7:45 am Telecom Board Subcommittee: March 14, 2011 9:00 am Kids World: March 4th, 2011 9:30 am Northwoods Cooking Show #15 10:00 am Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 11:00 am Short Takes: Week of April 18th 12:00 pm Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 12:15 pm Banjos Not Bombs 1:45 pm BAH 1:50 pm Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 2:50 pm ACE 1.31.11 3:55 pm Irish Coffee 4:00 pm Need to Know: Education Missouri Perspective #2 5:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th 6:00 pm Plethora of Poetry 6:30 pm Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 6:55 pm Irish Coffee 7:00 pm On the Air: Peter Tooker 8:00 pm Victory Church Service 8:30 pm Sons of Thunder 9:30 pm One Whirled View: 4/4/11 10:30 pm The Steve Katsos Show: Artist Bren Battaclan 11:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th Tuesday, 4/19/2011 12:00 am Northwoods Cooking Show #15 12:30 am Consumer Science News & Notes 12:50 am Choking Hazard 12:55 am BAH 1:00 am Victory Church Service 1:30 am Plethora of Poetry 2:00 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 2:50 am ACE 2/15/11 3:45 am Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 4:00 am St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 5:00 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 5:20 am Irish Coffee 5:25 am The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 5:55 am ACE at FHS 2/28/11 7:00 am Banjos Not Bombs 8:30 am Telecom Board Subcommittee: March 14, 2011 9:45 am ACE 1.31.11 10:50 am Choking Hazard 10:55 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 11:00 am Short Takes: Week of April 18th 12:00 pm On the Air: Peter Tooker 1:00 pm Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 2:00 pm Need to Know: Education Missouri Perspective #2 3:00 pm One Whirled View: 4/4/11 4:00 pm All about Town with Chris and Angela: 4/6/11 4:30 pm Sports Shorts 3/30/11 5:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th 6:00 pm Omni Vision: Oil Spill/Volcano 6:50 pm Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 7:10 pm Terra Studios: Angel Fest 7:30 pm Supreme Master TV: The Art of Saving Animals 8:00 pm Krishnamurti: Responsibility, Respectability & Self-Knowing 9:00 pm Your Media Board Meeting 3/30/11 9:30 pm Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 9:45 pm BAH 9:50 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 9:55 pm Irish Coffee 10:00 pm Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 11:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th Wednesday, 4/20/2011 12:00 am The Abbey of the Lemur: Behaving Ourselves 12:25 am ACE at FHS 2/28/11 1:30 am ACE 2/15/11 2:30 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 3:20 am ACE 2/15/11 4:20 am Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 5:20 am Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 5:35 am BAH 5:40 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 6:30 am St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 7:30 am Plethora of Poetry 8:00 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 8:20 am Irish Coffee 8:25 am ACE 1.31.11 9:30 am Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 10:30 am Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 10:45 am BAH 10:50 am Choking Hazard 10:55 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 11:00 am Short Takes: Week of April 18th 12:00 pm Tomorrow's World: Will Prophecy Fail? 12:30 pm The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 1:00 pm Supreme Master TV: SOS Climate Change Action Conference Pt. 5 2:00 pm Banjos Not Bombs 3:30 pm Northwoods Cooking Show #15 4:00 pm All about Town with Chris and Angela: 4/6/11 4:30 pm The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 5:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th 6:00 pm Consumer Science News & Notes 6:20 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 6:25 pm Choking Hazard 6:30 pm Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 6:55 pm Irish Coffee 7:00 pm Explorations in Faiths 7:30 pm Key to the Kingdom: A Day at the Pool 8:00 pm All about Town with Chris and Angela: 4/6/11 8:30 pm Words of Peace: Make the Connection 9:00 pm Sons of Thunder 10:00 pm Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 11:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th Thursday, 4/21/2011 12:00 am Plethora of Poetry 12:30 am Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 12:55 am Banjos Not Bombs 2:25 am Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 3:25 am Plethora of Poetry 3:55 am BAH 4:00 am Choking Hazard 4:05 am ACE 2/15/11 5:05 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 5:10 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 6:00 am St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 7:00 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 7:20 am Irish Coffee 7:25 am Choking Hazard 7:30 am The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 8:00 am Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 9:00 am Banjos Not Bombs 10:30 am Words of Peace: Make the Connection 11:00 am Short Takes: Week of April 18th 12:00 pm ACE at FHS 2/28/11 1:05 pm Consumer Science News & Notes 1:25 pm Irish Coffee 1:30 pm Victory Church Service 2:00 pm The Masked Elephant: 3/31/11 2:30 pm Northwoods Cooking Show #15 3:00 pm Unarius: Macinus of Idonus 4:00 pm Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 5:00 pm Sports Shorts 3/30/11 5:30 pm Kids World: March 4th, 2011 6:00 pm Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 6:15 pm BAH 6:20 pm ACE 1.31.11 7:25 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 7:30 pm Supreme Master TV: The Art of Saving Animals 8:00 pm Need to Know: Education Missouri Perspective #2 9:00 pm Krishnamurti: Responsibility, Respectability & Self-Knowing 10:00 pm The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 10:30 pm The Steve Katsos Show: Artist Bren Battaclan 11:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th Friday, 4/22/2011 12:00 am The Abbey of the Lemur: Behaving Ourselves 12:25 am Plethora of Poetry 12:55 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 1:45 am Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 2:10 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 2:30 am The Masked Elephant: 3/31/11 3:00 am ACE at FHS 2/28/11 4:05 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 4:55 am BAH 5:00 am ACE 2/15/11 6:00 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 6:20 am Irish Coffee 6:25 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 6:30 am Victory Church Service 7:00 am Choking Hazard 7:05 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 7:10 am Consumer Science News & Notes 7:30 am Northwoods Cooking Show #15 8:00 am The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 8:30 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 8:35 am ACE 1.31.11 9:40 am BAH 9:45 am Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 10:00 am One Whirled View: 4/4/11 11:00 am Short Takes: Week of April 18th 12:00 pm Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 1:00 pm Unleavened Bread Bible Study: Panoramic Bible Studies #1002 2:00 pm Banjos Not Bombs 3:30 pm The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 4:00 pm Unarius: Macinus of Idonus 5:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th 6:00 pm St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 7:00 pm Key to the Kingdom: A Day at the Pool 7:30 pm Sports Shorts 3/30/11 8:00 pm Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 8:56 pm ACE at FHS 2/28/11 10:00 pm Sons of Thunder 11:00 pm Short Takes: Week of April 18th Saturday, 4/23/2011 12:00 am The Effects of Non-Native Plants on Birds & Insects in Fayetteville 12:50 am ACE 2/15/11 1:50 am Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 2:15 am ACE 2/15/11 3:15 am Banjos Not Bombs 4:45 am Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die 5:45 am Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 6:45 am Professor Larry Foley Interviews Niketa Reed 7:10 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 7:30 am St James Missionary Baptist Church: The Battle at Jablook Part 1 8:30 am Terra Studios: Angel Fest 8:50 am Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 8:55 am Irish Coffee 9:00 am The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 9:30 am Sports Shorts 3/30/11 10:00 am Sustainability Through Biodiversity: The Eco System of the Ozarks 11:00 am Victory Church Service 11:30 am Plethora of Poetry 12:00 pm Unarius: Macinus of Idonus 12:58 pm ACE at FHS 2/28/11 2:00 pm Unleavened Bread Bible Study: Panoramic Bible Studies #1002 3:00 pm The Adventures of Donkey Ollie-#8 Let the Children Go 3:30 pm The Masked Elephant: 3/31/11 4:00 pm Explorations in Faiths 4:30 pm Farmers Market 2011 Opening Day 4:45 pm BAH 4:50 pm Irish Coffee 4:55 pm BAH 5:00 pm Northwoods Cooking Show #15 5:30 pm All about Town with Chris and Angela: 4/6/11 6:00 pm On the Air: Peter Tooker 7:00 pm Tomorrow's World: Will Prophecy Fail? 7:30 pm Banjos Not Bombs 9:00 pm ACE 1.31.11 10:05 pm Consumer Science News & Notes 10:25 pm Hot Spots: Wasabi (Fayetteville Venues) 10:30 pm The Steve Katsos Show: Artist Bren Battaclan 11:00 pm Fayetteville: Get Funky or Die
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Broadcast schedule for April 17 through April 23, 2011
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